Because Maragheh City has good tourism potential, perfect planning can be done to achieve sustainable tourism by identifying tourism advantages and limitations. Due to its high job-creation potential, sustainable tourism can alleviate the unemployment rate among young people. For this purpose, the classic Delphi method was used to examine strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats existing in tourism of Maragheh City based on comments given by city tourism experts (N=30). According to the results of a SWOT analysis using a matrix table of analyzing priority, importance, and consensus indices, precious historical and ancient monuments in Maragheh and its strong potential for tourism investment are the most substantial strengths of this area, while cultural traditions and rituals are considered as the least important factors in developing tourism of Maragheh region. Moreover, the element of improper element of environmental infrastructures and the lack of a large number of tourists are the most significant weaknesses, while the location of the county in the route of Western Azerbaijan and Kurdistan from the west to the center direction of the country and vice versa is the least important weakness in tourism development. In addition, this city's rich background and history are the best tourist attraction opportunity. According to strategies proposed for tourism in Maragheh County, competitive/offensive strategy (SO) can be more emphasized because the natural position of the county and development of ecotourism and Geotourism, and numerous registered historical monuments and monuments in the county indicate that this strategy can be more considered. However, this natural position and or potential available in sports infrastructures for holding matches point that diversification strategy (ST) can also be taken into account.